Thursday, February 5, 2009

Highs! Over 150 Way to Feel Really Good . . . Without Alcohol or Other Drugs, by Alex J. Packer

There are many ways to feel good without using drugs! That’s the message Alex Packer brings to us in his book of fun ways to relieve stress and feel great! I bet you can already guess some of them. Get enough sleep every night, eat food that recharges your body’s energy, put sadness in its place, do deep breathing exercises – these are basic ones we already know. But Packer goes several steps further! Try skateboarding or self-hypnosis, take a hike, enjoy a warm bath, seek out a truly quiet place to relax, take 20 minutes every day to write down your thoughts, lay off the caffeinated drinks, and much more! In all Packer has come up with over 150 ways you can make yourself feel better. Not all are my idea of fun (like staring at a friend's face until you can see a “double image” of it), but I thought most of them were easy to do & sure to help me feel good! ~ Reviewed by Robbie:-)

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